6.4 Self-test on Imagery

Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow. Write the appropriate letter in the spaces provided.

The house in which Mr Bolsover lived was a faded yellow primrose colour: it was a long house, but of only two storeys. Yet even its lower windows looked out far away over the meadows lying at this moment spread out beneath them, bright green in the morning sunshine. A narrow veranda shaded the windows, its sloping canopy of copper now a pale grey-green; and around its slim wooden pillars clematis and Jessamine clambered. At either end of it was a low weather-worn stone pedestal. On these stood two leaden fauns – the one ever soundlessly piping to the other across the wall-flowers and the pinks. And it was the pinks that were now in flower, white as snow, and filling the air with their musky fragrance.
(De la Mare, W. The Scarecrow in Collected Stories for Children, p.83.)

1. De la Mare brings the house into the mind’s eye of the reader in the opening sentence with the use of:
(a) two noun groups and an adjectival phrase
(b) three noun groups
(c) single adjectives

2. The picture of the spread-out green meadows in front of the house is created by the following: ‘lying. . . spread out beneath them, bright green in the morning sunshine’ Here is an example of:
(a) two adjectivals (clauses)
(b) two adverbials
(c) two noun groups

3. What grammatical tools has De la Mare used in ‘a narrow veranda’, ‘its sloping canopy of copper’, ‘a pale grey-green’ to convey the snapshot of the veranda?
(a) adverbial phrases?
(b) adjectival phrases?
(c) noun groups?

4. In all, De la Mare, although describing a scene, only uses two figures of speech – a metaphor and a simile. The passage depends on imagery created by noun groups, adverbials and adjectivals.
(a) Correct
(b) Incorrect
