Oral Presentations

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Photo Album of Students' Oral Presentations

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Illustrative Examples of Techniques

As a part of the process of collecting information for this website students volunteered to demonstrate both best and worst practice when it comes to delivering oral presentation. The following photographs are posed and the techniques presented are illustrative of the main problems faced by a large volume of students. Thank you to all who contributed.

Make A Splash

body language

Use Your Body


Body Language is extremely important for an effective oral presentation. This example shows a student who is entirely engaged in the delivery of his information. Feel free to use the space to your advantage.

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Don't Hide Behind a Computer


Always hiding behind the computer console makes you look apprehensive. Looking down at your notes all the time can be distracting.

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Don't Cling to Your Notes


By clutching at your notes and reading them verbatim, you look insecure and nervous.

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Hand Gestures


Try to use appropriate hand gestures to help reinforce your key points. If you make these as natural as possible you will not feel uncomfortable using them.

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eye contact

Eye Contact


A combination of appropriate eye contact and explanatory hand gestures makes this presenter appear more engaging.

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Presentation Style


Choose a presentation style that is appropriate to the shape of the room and the size of your audience. Make sure that whatever approach you decide to use you appear comfortable and confident. Perching like this can sometimes be appropriate for an intimate discussion with a small group, but in a more formal situation it would make you look unprofessional. Be aware of what your body is saying about you.

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Don't Hide Behind a Computer


Always hiding behind the computer console makes you look apprehensive. Also, you should try to be aware of your body in the space. This speaker is so short that she will not be seen by half of the people in the room if she positions herself behind the computer monitor like this.

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