2.10 Self-Test A Procedure

Social purpose:

How to do Whale Watching
Text structure   Language features
Paragraph 1. Here is how you can go whale watching if you really want to see whales. You will need to take with you a hat, sunblock and a pair of binoculars.
Paragraph 2. 1. 1Contact your local 3tourist information centre to find out the sites where there are organized tours and facilities for whale watchers or 1contact the Whale Watching Information Centre for 3places where whales can be sighted. 1.

Paragraph 3. 2. If you do not choose to go on a tourist 3ship, then, 2between June and October, when you have decided where you wish to go, 1choose either to watch the whales 2from a headland, or 1go out in your boat 2into the bay or 1fly over the 3area 2in your plane.

Paragraph 4. 3. No matter which way you choose, in order to have a close look at the whales, 1take a pair of good 3binoculars. 4. 
Paragraph 5. 4. 1Look for the blow of the whale which is a cloud of spray or mist that the 3whale creates as it exhales air through its blowhole. This is the signal that the whale is present.  
Paragraph 6. 5. 1Follow the 3Conservation Guidelines set up by the Whale Protection Act,1980, which prohibit killing, capturing, harassing, injuring, chasing and herding whales.  
Note: 'Look for' in paragraph 5 is a phrasal verb meaning search for

Self test(A). Procedure

1. The social purpose of a procedure is to:
a) to explain how and why phenomena occur in scientific and technical fields
b) to give a factual account of events in the past
c) to record the steps necessary for how to do something or to carry out a task
d) to present and argument for or against a particular point of view

II. See if you can indicate the functions of the various stages of procedures:

2) The heading:
a) to capture the readers' attention
b) to provoke a strong reaction in the reader
c) to indicate the goal of the activity
d) to indicate the result of the activity

3. Paragraph 1:
a) a summary of the arguments presented
b) materials and/or equipment needed for the undertaking
c) the phenomenon to be described
d) introduction to the characters and setting of the story

4. Paragraphs 2 - 6:
a) background information
b) explanation sequence
c) coda
d) steps to be taken to do the task or activity

III. The following questions are about the typical language features for procedures:

5. What kinds of verbs are 1contact, choose, go, fly, take, look for, follow:
a) action verbs in the command form
b) action verbs in the passive form
c) relational verbs
d) saying verbs

6. The phrases, 2between June and October, from a headland, into the bay, in your plane, are
a) prepositions
b) adjectivals giving more information about nouns
c) conjunctions linking ideas in the text
d) adverbials indicating how and when actions are to be done

7. The nouns, 3tourist information centre, places, ship, area, binoculars, whale, Conservation Guidelines, are:
a) general
b) technical
c) human
d) particular

8. The sequence of steps is indicated by:
a) numbering and time connectives
b) conjunctions
c) linking words
d) letters and conjunctions

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Correct answers:

Explanations to Self-Test

Self-Test b