
Do you need more information about assessment?


A note about time management:

ALL forms of assessment require some time management if they are to be satisfying learning experiences rather than activities that create stress! Learning how to juggle work, family, social and university commitments is an important part of your studies and taking time to consider your priorities, your needs and the expectations associated with individual and group work will help you successfully negotiate many aspects of your student life. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of time management or would like help organising your time, make an appointment to see staff in Student Services who can offer you some strategies to effectively manage your time. Alternatively, you may like to spend a little time reading through some websites or some texts that offer a range of strategies for time management:

Assessment Links on this Site:



Time Management Strategies

Academic Skills and Time Management Strategies

Time Management


Further Reading:

Booth, Angela. Lifetime: Better Time Management. Sydney: Prentice Hall, 1997.

Fontana, David. Managing Time. Leicester, England: British Psychological Society, 1993.

Haynes, Marion E. Practical Time Management: How to Make the Most of Your Most Perishable Resource. Los Altos, CA.: Crisp Publications, 1991.






©2005 Australian Catholic University