3.1.6 Self-test on Rhythm

1. Rhythm in English poetry is dependent on the use of the following language features:
a) word stress and word order
b) word stress, word order, double/single off-beats, punctuation, timing
c) word stress, punctuation and timing

2. In lines of poetry the following kinds of words are not stressed:
a) single-syllable words such as: time, phone, key, plate, cup.
b)single-syllable words such as: an, a, the, of, in, on, is, and
c) two-syllable words such as: behind, around, allow

3. In lines of poetry the three/four syllable word:
a) always takes the stress on the first syllable
b) always takes the stress on the last syllable
c) has a variable stress pattern

4. The poet produces the "music" desired and suited to the content and theme of the poem with:
a) the accepted stress patterns of words
b) little regard for the accepted stress patterns of words
c) some regard for the accepted stress pattern of words

5. Rhythm of poetry depends on:
a) timing
b) the rhyming scheme
c) the poet's ability to use imagery effectively

6. The poet can create contrast, change of pace or a rhythm that reflects the theme with:
a) with single off-beats only
b) with sprung rhythm only
c) with single and double off-beats

7. Punctuation can influence the rhythm of a poem by:
a) giving pause and flow and meaning
b) re-arranging words and phrases
c) unravelling complicated syntax

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