4.6 Self-Test B on Language of Argumentation

Please indicate whether the sentences below are True or False.

1. An issue is a point of contention or a debate.
a) True b) False

2. If a writer is pointing out the faults, limitations and usefulness of the subject in question, he/she is said to be criticising.
a) True b) False

3. If a writer is examining how a topic has been studied and comments on the value and the limitations of its treatment, he/she is said to be summarising.
a) True b) False

4. If a writer estimates the importance or value of something, he/she is said to be assessing.
a) True b) False

5. One of the circumstances, facts or influences which produce a result is a factor.
a) True b) False

6. Conclusions are the result of claims and evidence.
a) True b) False

7. To explain the meaning of something and present a logical argument exploring it is discussion.
a) True b) False

8. To analyse the writer must break a question/issue into its component parts and explain how they relate to one another.
a) True b) False

9. If one is dealing with a notion or idea, one is dealing with a concept.
a) True b) False

10. To make a case for a particular perspective and establish the truth of something through supporting evidence or logical reasoning is comparison.
a) True b) False

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